Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Graduation Montage

5x7 Postcard Graduation Announcements



This is an example of what I can do with a double sided 5x7 postcard announcement(cost$1.50 each for 100+). You can have a full photo on one side and a traditional 5x7 announcement on the other! OR you can actually send it like a post card with the traditional announcement on one side and the postage looking side on the other! (5x7 postcards do cost the same whether sending in evelopes or not & envelopes are included in the price)!

Postcard style Front:

Graduation Thank-Yous

Graduation Thank-Yous

Let me design your Thank-You notes from your snapshots! You can take the picture and I can make it into a postcard Thank-You! It will cost you just 25 cents per postcard and then you also can use postcard stamps at 27 cents each! Your total cost would be only 52 cents for each Thank-You and they are customly yours! How great to send another photo of the grad to all your family!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Graduation Announcements

Graduation is right around the corner and I can design your graduation announcements!
For orders of 100 + I can design and print a traditional one sided 5x7 photo announcement with envelopes for $1.00 each!

I can also now do a 2 sided 5x7 postcard announcement with envelopes for $1.50 each (100+ order) OR a 5x7 bifold card, full color with all sides printed with envelopes for $1.75 each (100+) OR how about an ultra hip trifold 5x5 card full color all sides printed with envelopes $2.00 each (100+).

Let me do a design up for you! You can have your announcements designed and back to you in 2 weeks!

I also do postcard thank-yous!
Shoot me an e-mail or call: imagesbyerin@hotmail.com OR 605.464.178

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I am a business owner...

I am making it official! images by Erin is now an official business in South Dakota - which means this blog has to be converted into a business blog AND I had to create a new one to handle all the great pictures of my Godson (because lets face it - that is really all I have posted on the other blog). Be sure to bookmark both! And become a follower so you know when I have new things going on! Thanks for following me on this blog and for switching over to the new one! Hopefully my business is not a bust - but it won't be my main income - I am planning on staying at the radio station for some time to come! Enjoy the same great content just at a different location! Thanks ~ e

P.S. I have moved everything that was previously on this blog to this blog:


go and enjoy my personal content there and look for business 'stuff' here!